Okinawa Hands-ON Online Store
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Size: B2 (27.8 ×19.7 inches / 42cm × 59cm)
Poster - Dreams of OkinawaThis poster is the first in a series that captures the magnificent beauty and proud history of the Okinawan main island and its people.
★ポスター / Poster Local(日本国内) 1枚3,000円 / 1 Poster for 3,000 yen Outside Japan(海外からの購入) 1枚30ドル(米)/ 1 Poster for $30 US (Shipping Cost: Rate depends on shipping address.) |
PostcardsThis postcards that captures the magnificent beauty and proud history of the Okinawan main island and its people.
★ポストカード / Postcards Local(日本国内) 6枚セット:1,000円 / 1 set of 6 postcards for 1,000 yen Outside Japan(海外からの購入) 6枚セット:10ドル / 1 set of 6 postcards for $10 US (Shipping Cost: Rate depends on shipping address.) |